Too many financial products - How to Choose??

1 Replies

Hi all, almost everyone has one or more life insurance agents in our family or friends circle or in our neighbourhood. They now and then tell us how life insurance is beneficial to us and to our family. Sometimes they bug us and keep on trying to sell policies now and then!!

The irony is – we feel happy when we hear the benefits these guys share with us. They make us multi-millionaire through these policies. But be aware that it is on the piece of paper as of now. There are many intermediaries who will inform you about plans, funds and their benefits. But have you ever thought about which is actually good for your target?? Not all fit in your planning.

Question is – is life insurance the only tool that you can buy for a failure-proof future? The answer is very simple – NO!!

During our earlier generations, Life Insurance, FD and PPF were majorly the only options that were secured as there was not share market-related products. However, they were good because most of them used to give returns that had beaten the inflation rate.

However, currently, there are so many options available like FD, Life Insurance (Traditional and ULIP Plans), Mutual Funds, Bonds, PPF, Share & Commodities Market, etc. Few are highly safe and few are equity-based.

Financial Rule is “Higher the risk, higher the return”. This is very apt considering all the options of investment we have. Real questions posed upon us are – How to select? How to manage? Will the investment take care of future needs? Who will look after my funds?

A very simple answer – your Financial Planner!!

They not only keep a track of your investments but also support you in timely managing the funds for future needs. Simply put – Financial Planners have a target-oriented methodology!!

It is always advisable to have a Financial Planner helping you with all your financial needs.

Comment your opinion or query below!!

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    September 22, 2024 at 6:33 pm
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